
General conditions

Condiciones Generales de Contratación – S&E PARTNERS

  1. Area of ​​application

Las presentes condiciones generales son de aplicación a todas las propuestas de servicios elaboradas por Strategy & Execution Partners, S.L. (S&E). In any case, prevalecerá lo dispuesto en la correspondiente propuesta de servicios que S&E customer subscribes (the Client and the Proposal) above provisions in these general conditions of contract (the General conditions).

  1. Intervención de profesionales y terceros ajenos a S&E

Unless expressly agreed otherwise, Services are limited exclusively to the Spanish jurisdiction.

In case of participation of other external advisers unrelated to this (the External professionals) and unless expressly agreed otherwise: (i) la intervención de S&E in the subject matter will be limited to tasks of coordination and contact with the External Professionals; (ii) the relationship of service will be established directly between the client and each of the External Professionals; (iii) los honorarios de S&E shall be independent of the own Professionals External; and (iv) S&E does not assume any responsibility for the advice provided to the Customer by Professionals External.

  1. Services

La prestación de servicios por parte de S&E is only for the benefit of the customer and can not be used for any other matter or by another natural or legal persons other than those for which specific advice is provided on.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, el Cliente autoriza a S&E to publicize their involvement in the matter. De ninguna manera lo anterior debe interpretarse como una autorización a S&E to disclose information relating to the matter, in any case, You have absolutely confidential.

S&E has no obligation to initiate the provision of any services until it receives to its satisfaction a copy of the proposal signed and payment of related fees is not made to the acceptance of the proposal as agreed.

  1. Fees and Billing

Unless expressly agreed otherwise, las facturas emitidas por S&E will be payable at sight.

The fees specified in the proposal do not include value added tax (or similar tax as applicable) nor travel expenses, accommodation, maintenance, telecommunications, Messenger service, traducciones o reprografía que resulten útiles o convenientes para la consecución del asunto en los cuales incurriremos de forma razonable y conforme a la política de gastos de S&E (the customer may ask at any time). The latter may be invoiced at any time and your payment will be required by Customer.

All expenses and outlays are (when it is established by current legislation) subject to VAT, payment of which corresponds to the Customer.

In the absence of payment of an invoice, S&It is expressly provided, notice in writing and in accordance with applicable professional and ethical standards, to suspend the provision of any service to the Customer, without that it can raise any claim for such suspension or for the damages that it could derive.

Until not proceed to the payment of outstanding fees, S&E reserves the right to retain the customer documents and any other deliverables that are pending.

In case the request is made for the account or benefit of a third party, S&E billed directly to the third party (unless otherwise stated). But nevertheless, el Cliente será igualmente responsable del pago de los honorarios de S&E.

  1. Responsabilidad de S&E

S&E asume plena responsabilidad respecto a los Servicios prestados en su nombre por profesionales o empleados pertenecientes S&E, whether partners, employees or consultants.

S&E responderá ante el Cliente de los daños y perjuicios que se le hubiesen irrogado por causas imputables a S&E or its professionals or employees as a result of willful misconduct or gross negligence of any of them. Out of such cases, la responsabilidad de S&E will have the scope to be determined where necessary in the respective proposal. En ningún caso S&E shall be liable for damages arising, caused the, in whole or in part, as a result of falsehood, concealment or any other conduct of the Customer that were fraudulent or negligent, or not performed in accordance with the principles of good faith, or failures which are caused by causes beyond its reasonable control.

La responsabilidad de S&E is limited to direct damages (excluding, so, of lost profits, loss of business or reputational damage) effectively caused to Customer.

La responsabilidad de S&E against the Customer in connection with the Services is conditioned upon Customer submit written complaint, determining in sufficient detail the nature of the claim and the amount claimed, within a period not exceeding three (3) years from the completion of the provision of the Services, except in case of intent that will apply the limitation period established by law.

La eventual responsabilidad de S&E will only place in front of the Customer. S&E will not be responsible for any damages that may be caused to third parties as a result of the use that the Customer can do Services outside the destiny of the same, a menos que dicho uso haya sido expresamente autorizado por S&E, en cuyo caso la responsabilidad de S&E will follow the agreed conditions for this purpose.

El Cliente se obliga a no instigar a que un tercero demande a otros profesionales o empleados de S&E in connection with the Services.

La responsabilidad de S&E to Customer shall not be increased by reason of any limitation of liability agreed between the latter and any outside professional who was involved in the subject matter of the Services.

  1. Customer responsibility

El Cliente declara que la información suministrada a S&E by any means is truthful and complete. Thus, S&E is under no obligation to check the accuracy of such information.

S&E has no obligation to update any of his works on the occasion of events or circumstances that occurred or known after the issuance of written reports.

The person signing on behalf of the Customer declares, under its responsibility, have enough power to endorse the proposal and the General Conditions.

  1. Modifications

S&E may amend these General Conditions, anytime, The modifications being as detailed below:

  1. General Conditions applicable in the case of recurring services will be appearing on the website at the time of delivery of services.
  2. If non-recurring services, the General Conditions shall be those set referenced in the Proposal. However, podrán ser de aplicación las modificaciones posteriores de tales Condiciones Generales siempre que las mismas hayan sido comunicadas al Cliente y haya transcurrido un plazo de 21 días naturales desde que se comuniquen al Cliente sin que en dicho plazo haya oposición escrita por el Cliente. For clarification purposes means that you agree to the changes if during that period did not raise any objections in writing to them.
  3. Data Protection

In compliance with current regulations, S&And incorporate a file owned by the customer data and the signatory (the Client data).

Unless otherwise stated in the Proposal, S&E may seek, use, transfer, store or otherwise treat form Customer information relating to identified or identifiable individuals (the Personal information).

The aim of the treatment of Customer Data and, where appropriate, of Personal Data is the maintenance, development, control and enforcement of the professional relationship with the client.

In the processing of such data, S&And if the obliga:

  • take appropriate measures to protect technical and organizational measures Personal Data. Unless the client specifies otherwise and justify, S&E take corresponding measures apply the level of basic security; and
  • in the case of Personal Data, destruir o devolver al Cliente los Datos Personales a los que S&E has had access.

Both you and the person to whom the personal data refer may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an email to the address: or by sending a postal communication to the following address: calle Muntaner, 479, 3.º 3.ª – 08021 Barcelona. It must be accompanied by a photocopy of the DNI of the owner of Personal Data.

El Cliente queda informado y autoriza expresamente a S&E a que permita el acceso a los Datos del Cliente y a los Datos Personales a compañías y profesionales que presten servicios de apoyo a S&E, en la medida en que dicho acceso resulte necesario para la ejecución por parte de S&E Services.

  1. Communication and documentation

Customer accepts unencrypted email as a means of business communication and regular exchange of information and documentation. Equally, hoc basis and very voluminous information, Customer agrees to submit this documentation online platforms like wetransfer the similar.

S&E is not liable for damages caused by the interception or access to mails by unauthorized persons, nor for any damages resulting from virus, computer or network failures.

In the case that the Customer considers that particular communication or documentation requires secure communication services, lo indicará así a S&And for what, together, They can take the necessary measures to ensure their safety.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the proposal and the General Conditions, S&E has the right to retain on file documentation and materials obtained during the provision of services. One year, S&E reserves the right to destroy such files and documents.

  1. Normative compliance

El Cliente se obliga a facilitar a S&E all documentation required by the law on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism.

La negativa o retraso injustificado de más de un mes en remitir dicha información es motivo para que S&E can end service delivery and keep the right to collect all amounts already billed.

  1. Law and Jurisdiction

The General Conditions are governed by Spanish law

To the extent that mandatory rules permit, all matters directly or indirectly affect the validity, interpretation, compliance, ejecución de la Propuesta y la prestación de servicios por parte de S&E se someten a la exclusiva jurisdicción de los Juzgados y Tribunales de la ciudad de Barcelona.